#GivingTuesday was a special day at B Walker Ranch – as our adult day program for individuals with Autism received a shipment of mature olive trees from Olivi Nursery. We cannot properly express our gratitude, nor just how much these sort of donations help complete our vision for BWR.
The fact that this shipment was received on GivingTuesday, November 29th, made it all that much more special. The teamwork it took to get this shipment offloaded and ready for planting this Sunday underscored this feeling, and highlighted what GivingTuesday is really all about – people coming together to make peoples lives better.
20 year old Olive trees will root quickly, once we plant them this weekend. Soon, they will start to bear fruit, and our day program will be able to add olive harvesting, and olive pressing to our growing list of activities. Is there any greater sense of satisfaction than watching something you plant bear fruit?

We also want to thanks Matson containers for their invaluable assistance with the delivery. These trees are as massive as they are beautiful, and without their expert assistance, this would not have been possible.

We hope that you took a moment this #GivingTuesday to reflect on all the gifts that you have in this life, and hopefully passed some of them on to less fortunate. If not, it is never too late to make a difference and make a donation to a worthy cause! As you can see, we had a very busy #GivingTuesday, as an exhausted yet ecstatic founder says farewell to the now empty shipping palette.