Help B Walker Ranch by donating to any of these items below. CLICK the donate button to get started! B Walker Ranch is dedicated to making a profound difference to those families whose lives have been touched with autism. Join us as we build one fence post at a time. Thank you!
B Walker Ranch Water Tower
Bio-technically friendly and gravity fed, we need a water tower to hold our water.
$11,500 in total
All donations are appreciated!
“Ma and Pa Kettle” Ranch House
The Ranch House will be our gathering place for the day program.
$80,000 needed in total
All donations are appreciated!
B Walker Ranch’s Commercial Kitchen
Some grant money has been dedicated to our commercial kitchen but we need more help!
$45,000 in total
$45 suggested donation
Let’s get cookin’!
Help us build…..
B Walker Ranch’s Vegetable Farm Stand
As part of our programming B Walker Ranch will be implementing a beautiful vegetable farm stand.
$10,000 in total
All donations are appreciated!
Be a part of our growth
Large Green House
The Greenhouse will be a large part of our horticulture program.
$10,000 in total
All donations are appreciated!
Be a part of our growth
Shade House
B Walker Ranch’s Shade house will be used for growing vegetables and a multitude of plants and flowers.
$5,000 in total
$50 suggested donation
All donations are appreciated!
Get us out of the heat!
Permanent Chicken Coop
8×8 wood and steel coop will be home to 8 to 12 chickens. We can always have more chickens.
$1000 in total
All donations are appreciated!
Friendly, personable, darling is how to describe and Alpaca. Their wool is also great for our ranchers’ “spinning” skills.
$500 per alpaca
All donations are appreciated!
Equipment costs $250
B Walker Ranch Windmill
Bio-technically friendly, we would love a windmill to power our wells.
$500 in total
$50 suggested donation
Help us capture the wind!
B Walker Ranch’s Barn
The “Barn” will be the signature building on the ranch. It will house multiple therapy rooms, workshops and a commercial kitchen.
$110,000 in total
$10,000 a piece
11 pieces available
Buy one or buy’em all
Help us buy these smaller items by clicking on the donate button at the top of the page and selecting “Smaller Items” in the donate dropdown!

B Walker Ranch is building “One fence post at a time”……
Donations of your time and materials are always welcomed but the single best way to help is with your tax deductible contribution to our 501c3 charity B Walker Ranch.
We want to thank the thousands of people and Corporate sponsors who have donated their time and talents and dollars to this cause. You are helping to make a difference by helping us, “Build One Fence Post at a Time”.
No contributions is too small, all are welcome. The easiest way to donate is to click here.
Recurring Contribution
Recurring Contributions of course, the more of your charitable contributions the Ranch receives; the more that we can do to complete our vision. The best way to help us to do that is to subscribe to make a recurring monthly contribution.